Create the customer data of your existing clients (Phone Number, E-mail & Cities). This will help us in improving the targeting of your campaigns.
Here are the steps for uploading Customer Data-
To get started create a Custom Audience from your customer file:
- Go to your Audiences
- If you already have audiences, click the Create Audience drop-down and select Custom Audience.
- If you don't have any audiences, you'll see audience creation buttons, rather than dropdowns.
Click Create a Custom Audience. - Click Customer File
- Click Add from your own file-
- Choose whether you'll upload your customer file as a file (.txt or .csv) or copy and paste it.
- If you choose to upload, click Upload File and select your customer file. If you choose to copy and paste, do so in the "Paste your content here" field.
- Give your audience a name and a description if you want to. The name should be Websitename_CustomerData.
- Click Next and Finish.