Create the customer data of your existing clients (Phone Number, E-mail & Cities). This will help us in improving the targeting of your campaigns.
Here are the steps for uploading Customer Data-

To get started create a Custom Audience from your customer file:

  1. Go to your Audiences
  2. If you already have audiences, click the Create Audience drop-down and select Custom Audience.
  3. If you don't have any audiences, you'll see audience creation buttons, rather than dropdowns. 
    Click Create a Custom Audience.
  4. Click Customer File
  5. Click Add from your own file-
  6. Choose whether you'll upload your customer file as a file (.txt or .csv) or copy and paste it.
  7. If you choose to upload, click Upload File and select your customer file. If you choose to copy and paste, do so in the "Paste your content here" field.
  8. Give your audience a name and a description if you want to. The name should be Websitename_CustomerData.
  9. Click Next and Finish.