This article will help you in creating your very first campaign on Google, which will be a Smart Shopping campaign.

The steps are as follows:

1. Log in to with your registered email address

2. Once you are logged in, you will land on the view shown below. From here, click on the Universal create button on the top.

3. Once Create window pops up as shown in the below screenshot, select Google Smart Shopping Campaign under Campaign head. 

4. Once you click on the Smart Shopping button, you will land on the screen as shown below where you will be able to do the campaign, ad group, and ad settings.

5. Campaign settings - Fill in the campaign name and daily budget you are comfortable spending on your ads. The Minimum recommended budget is INR 1000-1500. Let the bidding strategy be Maximize conversions only, which can be changed later on depending on the performance of the campaign.

6. Ad Group settings- You can choose to target either all of your products that are there in the product catalog/feed or you can choose to target specific product categories here.

7. Creative settings- Headlines and Description will make the ad text which will be used for the purpose of remarketing combined with the image that you upload here. The final URL will be the URL on which you want the users to land when they see your ad. For more details on creatives- Click here

8. Once you are done, click on the create button.