Accepted Payment Options for Facebook Ads


You can pay for Facebook ads with the following payment methods:

  • Credit cards or co-branded debit cards, including:

  • Local manual payment methods, including:

    • PayTM Wallet

    • NetBanking

Note: The manual payment method will only be available if the country of your ad account is set to India and your currency is set to the Indian rupee (INR). Also, you'll only be able to add a manual payment method if you choose one when you first set up your Facebook ad account. 

Add a Payment Method for Facebook Ads

When you create ads with Ads Manager, you'll be prompted to add a payment method before you can publish your first ad. You can add and change the payment method for your ad account from your payment settings.

Note: If your ad account is set up for manual payments, you can't add a payment method using these steps. Instead, add money to your ad account using a manual payment method. Also, some payment methods aren't available to use. For example, PayPal.

Before you begin

How to add a payment method in Ads Manager

To add a payment method to your ad account:

  1. Go to your payment settings.

  2. In the Payment methods section, click Add Payment Method.

  3. Select the payment method that you want to add and click Next.

  4. Follow any additional instructions to add your payment method.

The new payment method is added to your ad account.

If you have multiple payment methods saved to your ad account, you can set a primary payment method. We'll charge your primary payment method first when you make a payment for your ads.

If you share your payment method or ad account with others, make sure that you check with them when you don't recognise the charges on your bill. It's possible that someone you've shared information with has run ads using your payment method or ad account.