Set an Account Spending Limit

You can set an account spending limit to make sure that your ad account doesn't spend more than you plan to. When your spending limit is reached, your ads are paused and your ad account stops spending money.

Note: The spending limit that you set can't be less than the amount you've already spent. If the spending limit that you enter is invalid, enter a higher spending limit or reset the amount you've spent to INR 0.


If your ad account is set up for manual payments, you can't set an account spending limit.



Before you begin


You have to be an admin of an ad account.



Set an Account Spending Limit

  1. Go to your payment settings.

  2. In the Account spending limit section, click the 3-dot icon.

  3. Click Set limit.

  4. Enter the spending limit that you'd like to use.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click Done to confirm the set account spending limit.

The set account spending limit takes about 15 minutes to take effect. Then, you can start tracking the amount that you spend towards the limit as you run ads. To keep advertising after you've reached your spending limit, you can change your account spending limitremove your account spending limit or reset the amount spent towards it to INR 0.

Change an Account Spending Limit

  1. Go to Payment settings under Ad account settings.

  2. In the Account spending limit section, click the 3-dot icon.

  3. Click Change.

  4. Enter a new spending limit.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click Done to confirm the new account spending limit.

An account spending limit is a limit on the amount that your ad account can spend on all of your campaigns over its lifetime. The amount you've spent towards the account spending limit doesn't reset automatically after a certain amount of time. For example, at the end of the month.

Note: If you get an error telling you that you've made too many changes to your account spending limit, try again in about an hour.