Title Optimization is required if we want to improve the performance of the account
In product page titles and descriptions,
Do NOT include promotional text, or offers
Do NOT include names or details about competitors, other products, or accessories.
Some general terms to avoid are:
Title Optimization Place an important role in Pmax, Here are some of the industry wise examples that help to improve the title of the product and improve the performance
For Jewelry Industries
For Apparel Industries
For Health & Wellness
Google has a list of terms related to prescription drugs [SOURCE: https://support.google.com/adspolicy/answer/2430794?hl=en] and unapproved pharmaceuticals and substances [SOURCE: https://support.google.com/adspolicy/answer/2423645], the usage of any of these terms will lead to product disapproval.
Note : Make sure you're not claiming any guaranteed health claim over the headlines and description