SegmentSale Events
  • Separate PMax/Discovery Campaign for sale

  • A new campaign for dynamic ads with just sale ads just for sale period can also be started

  • Budgets on Brand Search campaign to be scaled aggressively and keeping impression share at 95%+

  • New campaigns with sale creatives and best working targeting from last 6 months are to be introduced

  • One of the campaigns can be also be kept at lifetime budget during sale with top category creatives

  • Category wise, engage audience on the basis of landing pages and customer data can be created to cross-sell. This will help in showing different products to existing customers of each category.

  • Add to Cart optimized campaigns to be started for products which will be having increased discounting during the sale from 7 days prior to the sale (Exclude all Insta, Fb, Website, offline customer data, etc.) 

  • Ensure that Engage and Dynamic campaigns are also being scaled during the sale with same ratio 

  • Introduce sale specific advantage + campaign

  • Only sale ads to be populated in engage campaign

  • Only sale ads to run in customer campaign (10% budgets of the budgets to be pushed)

  • Lookalike from AdYogi platform like Lookalike of Lifetime Discount Hunters & lookalike of Lifetime Coupon Freaks to be introduced

  • Influencer content to be used, where possible

  • Specialized messaging for your target audiences based on events to be used. - e.g. Celebrate this Independence Day/Friendship Day, Gift for your loved ones

  • Customized Overlay can help with increased CTR on Smart ads 

  • Creatives on last day to be updated with terms like "Last Day of Sale/Last Few Hours of Sale" to create urgency. 

  • Banner with discount communication on the Specific Theme/ Event to be updated

  • Ticker on the website to countdown sale end to be added

  • Creating a specific collection for the event will increase the relevancy. For Example, Jewelry brands can push more bracelets for their Rakhi collection

  • A2C & View Content / YouTube Discovery campaigns to be run in top cities + top categories for pre buzz (Existing Audience to be excluded)

Adyogi Product Features
  • Using Hourly ABO during the sale

    • At the start of the sale, keep the scale up ROAS metric on the lower end in comparison to BAU to scale rapidly

  • Price Based/ Discount Based Smart Ads

    • If you want to clear inventory of products within a specific price or discount range, then this is your go-to smart ad. Example- Fashor was able to increase their AOV by running Above Rs. 3000 Smart Ads even during BAU period.

  • Stop Loss for Products

    • Make sure you enable this beforehand so that low CRR products do not end up taking most of the spends during your sale period

  • Relaxing OOS variant rule - e.g. from 50% we can make it 40% 

  • Ensure the CRM activities during the sale are increased by 2x

  • Try to take the sale live the day prior to the event

    • In this case the scale up can be initiated from the evening prior to the sale so that the first official day, the sale campaigns are not still in learning phase